Monday, January 23, 2012

Exodus 16-18

Daily Reading
Daily Thought

Usually, I picture a leap when I think of faith.  Stepping forward when I cannot see the future.  But faith can be a daily discipline, as well.  Gather meat in the evening and manna in the morning, as much as you want, no more than you'll eat.  If you save some until the next day, it won't keep.  Some saved some anyway, and "it bred worms and stank."  

Also, once a week, on Friday, gather twice as much, because tomorrow is the Sabbath. There won't be anything to gather.  You can save half overnight.  It won't stink.  Some didn't gather twice as much.  They went out on the Sabbath and there wasn't anything to gather.  They went hungry.  

Six days on, one day off.  This isn't daring to leap, it's learning to walk.  It is a discipline of trust, gathering enough and only enough, believing God for our daily bread, a discipline of resting every seventh day.  It is the discipline of living by God's word, being blessed in his care.  That they might know the LORD is their God and they are his people.  

Daily Prayer

Righteous God, You are holy and just, and we sin.  Your grace gives us time to discover Your forgiveness before we encounter Your judgment. Thank You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who fulfilled all righteousness and made our salvation possible.

Father, I pray that I may trust fully in You, following closely as You lead.  May my life declare and display Your good news, proclaiming Jesus to this world in what I say and what I do. I pray that all would receive Your grace before the Day comes when You settle accounts, that wonderful day when You make all things right again.


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