Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ephesians 1-3

Daily Reading
Ephesians 1-3

Daily Thought

I was a kid taking guitar lessons, and Jack was my teacher. Jack was a master on the classical guitar. Torroba's SonatinaEtude #5 by Villa-Lobos,Variations on a Theme by Erik Satie, I practiced and I played as best I could.  

Then Jack would take my guitar. The same music, full of plunks and scratches when I played, became rapturous, heavenly, beautiful. The guitar was in the hands of the master now.

Paul, in verse 10 of Ephesians 2, calls us God's workmanship, which is, in the Greek, poiema; in English, poem. God the poet, and we "his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them" (Ephesians 2:10). In the hands of the Master now.

Daily Prayer

Father in heaven, You are wonderful. Truly wonderful. What a world. What a creation. The heavens, the oceans, the mountains. Fabulous. And me, too. Fearfully and wonderfully made in Your image.

As I return myself to Your hands, making You master of my life, may I respond to Your leading and reflect Your wisdom and truth and love. Mold me again into a vessel for Your glory. Make my life count because it is lived for You.


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