Paul, in a city of idols, proclaimed that "gods made with hands are not gods" (Acts 19:26), and many turned away from idolatry. But idols were good business. The temple of Artemis located in Ephesus profited the craftsmen of the town, so Demetrius, a silversmith, called his fellows together with a warning, "there is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may be counted as nothing" (Acts 19:27). Which one concerned him more, he does not say.
This is the collateral "damage" of Christianity. When revival struck Wales in 1904, over one hundred thousand suddenly put their trust in Jesus Christ. It was reported that crime slowed to a standstill. Judge Sir Marchant Williams observed that his work was much lighter, especially regarding drunkenness and related offenses. The police force had time to form a choir and sang at revival meetings. Taverns and brothels were deserted because churches were packed. Coal miners stopped cursing and their donkeys and mules stopped obeying instructions. They could not understand the kind and gentle words of their masters.
The good news of Jesus Christ is bad for business if your business depends on bad.
Daily Prayer
Lord God, you are the King of kings. May Your Kingdom be established on earth. Your grace has changed my heart. May it change my community. May "In God We Trust" become a reality in this country. But first, may it be a reality in Your church. Purify Your people God, so that we might be a light and a blessing to the world.
Start with my heart, God. Create in me a clean heart, fully devoted to You.
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