Daily Reading
Psalm 119:89-176
Psalm 119:89-176
Daily Thought
There is a reason to pay attention to the law of God and follow his commandments, and it is not because they work. Well, it's not only because they work, because they do, and that's good, but it goes deeper than that. They work because they are established by the Creator, they serve his will, and they reflect his ways. When I follow them I reflect him; I become godly. They make me "wiser than my enemies" and give me "more understanding than all my teachers" (Psalm 119:98-99). Bottom line, they are the bottom line; they are true and they are Truth.
The Law begins with "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might" (Deuteronomy 6:5); ends with "love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18); and everything in between reflects one or the other or both. No gods, but God; no idols; don't use God's name in vain; keep the Sabbath; honor your father and mother; don't murder; don't commit adultery; don't steal; don't bear false witness; don't covet what your neighbor has; these don't tell you anything except what you should or shouldn't do anyway, and would do if you loved God, so love God.
I don't follow God because it benefits me, but it benefits me to follow God. I follow God because he is God. "But," you ask, "isn't that circular reasoning?" You bet it is, and God gets to do that. Truth is truth because it is. It doesn't have to defend itself; disobey it often enough and you will crash right into it. Obey it and you will know God.
Daily Prayer
My God in heaven, You established the earth and all that is in it and all of it's ways, You are my Beginning and my End. I have life because of You and live life for You. Your word expresses Your desires and delights; may they be mine, as well. I empty my heart of You when I sin; fill it again. Teach me to love anew, because I spend too much time loving only myself. Teach me to love others like I love myself.
May I truly love You with all of my heart, all of my soul, all of my mind, all of my mind.
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