Daily Reading
Daily Thought
Jonathan and David had many reasons not to be friends. Jonathan's loyalty to his father tops the list. Saul was on the throne, and as his oldest son, Jonathan was next in line, but David would be king. Sure, David had killed his ten thousands (1Samuel 18:7), but Jonathan was a fierce warrior in his own right, leader of a third of the army, and had his share of victories. He had claim to the throne. Jonathan had to make a choice: Who would be king?
A tract called "The Four Spiritual Laws" uses a simple drawing to illustrate a choice we each face, the choice between two kingdoms, God's and our own. There is only one throne on which only one can sit. Two circles represent two ways to live: the self-directed versus the Christ-directed life. In the first, self is on the throne and the circle of life is filled with discord. The other circle, the Christ-on-the-throne life, is filled with order and harmony. The choice is yours.
Saul appealed to man, he looked the part of king, handsomely standing head and shoulders above all others. David appealed to God. He had God's heart. Jonathan could take the throne and continue the reign of Saul, of man, of me-on-the-throne. Instead, Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt (1Samuel 18:4). Like Jesus, he "emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant" (Philippians 2:7). God was on the throne of Jonathan's life, therefore, David, the man after God's heart, would be king.
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ~Matthew 6:33
Daily Prayer
God, you are my King of kings and Lord of lords. There are all sorts of competitors to the throne, but none bring the peace, purity, righteousness, justice, and love of the one true God of heaven and earth. Thank You for putting my life in order, providing peace and contentment in a world of chaos.
May I follow Your ways closely and confidently, knowing they lead to a life of overflowing joy. My decisions in life reflect the one choice I have to make: who will be king? I choose to follow You, to give you my allegiance, my devotion, my worship. Each morning, I awake to a day that You have made and set before me. I shall live this day displaying the banner of my King.
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