Daily Reading
Daily Thought
Today is Saturday. It's Donut Day, and always has been. When we were little, my brother and I went with Dad to help him choose the right donuts. Later, the teen years, we preferred sleeping in. Still, Dad disappeared each Saturday, before we or the sun arose, and came home with a pink box. I liked the maple bar and there was always a maple bar. I could count on it. Now I'm Dad and Saturdays are Donut Day, and as soon as I finish writing this, I'm off to get donuts.
Psalm 89 proclaims the steadfast love of the Lord, forever. Steadfast, firmly fixed, does not change, a love you can count on. God's love is bonded to his faithfulness, "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you" (Psalm 89:14). Even when we were in trouble, and we often were, Saturday was Donut Day. Ethan, the writer of Psalm 89, says of God, "If his children forsake my law and do not walk according to my rules, if they violate my statutes and do not keep my commandments, I will not remove from him my steadfast love or be false to my faithfulness" (Psalm 89:30-31, 33). Ethan knows what Israel has done, that they are in trouble, but he looks to the heavens, to the sun and the moon, "a faithful witness in the skies" (Psalm 89:37). He knows that the God who established the heavens is faithful to his promises, even when Israel is not.
To be honest, this is a bit of silliness and not a perfect illustration, but still it speaks of family and faithfulness. Today is Saturday and there are donuts on the counter and I know I'm in the right house.
Daily Prayer
Heavenly Father, You are faithful and true, and I am not. I am so glad that Your love depends on You. I know I let You down, I blow it, and mess up, yet You are always there, forever true. Thank You. I don't deserve it, but that is the way of grace.
As I draw closer to You, my God, I pick up Your ways. I learn Your love, Your faithfulness, Your grace. Draw me close, then, that I might reflect Your goodness to this world around me, so that people will know Your steadfast love and faithfulness, and that heaven is home.